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2 Tips To Improve Grip Strength If you are an athlete chances are you would benefit from having a stronger grip. How you can do that is by doing the following exercises: the first one we are going to discuss is farmers carry. That is when you pick up either a dumbbell, trap bar or plate and just carry the weight from point A to point B. This is a great tool for athletes to improve their grip. If you are a beginner start with a heavier set of dumbbells and if you are more advanced you can use a...

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2 Tips To Be More Explosive Plyometrics. Plyometrics are one of the best exercises you can do to be more explosive. Emphasizing your explosion from a position of no momentum can be a great way for you to improve your overall game in any sport. Working explosive lifts in the gym. Power cleans or any kind of Olympic lift  will be great for you to improve your burst and explosion. Working these movements for lower reps and emphasizing giving an all out effort is what will translate to your fast twitch muscle fibers. That is the goal when you are...

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3 Tips To Gain Healthy Weight Lifting heavy with correct form. Don’t just focus on lifting heavy simply for the sake of doing it. Emphasize good form so your muscles will grow properly. Shitty form=shitty muscles. Do a Clean Bulk. Have foods like sweet potatoes, brown rice and healthy fats. Also eating a lighter red meat, turkey, and ground beef is great for a healthy bulk. Make sure any kind of protein you have is lower in fats. A lot of guys try to do an unhealthy bulk with a lot of bad carbs like breads and processed foods, however...

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2 Tips To Be The Strongest On Your Team It’s all about how you train. Are you training high reps just to get a sweat on or are you lifting heavy to get your strength and size up? Lifting heavier will make you stronger and give you an increase in your max lifts. You should be doing 3 sets of 3 reps or 5 sets of 5 etc. You shouldn’t go any higher than 8 reps.  Taking supplements is a great way to get stronger. When it comes down to NCAA/USADA approved substances there are things you can take and...

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3 Exercises To Build Mass These three lifts can be foundational exercises that you base your workouts around. If your goal is to build mass and gain weight, these lifts are great to build up the most important muscle groups that add to weight gain and muscle gain. Back Squats Great lift to build leg size and strength  Barbell Rows Great lift to strengthen your entire back and give your back stability Bench Press Great lift to build upper body size and strength. Mainly in your chest and shoulders. If you want to improve your strength, endurance, and be able...

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