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3 BEST LEG EXERCISES FOR ATHLETES The obvious one is squats. I think squats is the most beneficial lift for any athlete because it works on your core strength and it helps you with obviously leg strength. It will also help with your stability in your legs. In any sport that involves throwing or being rotational/explosive, lower half stability is essential. In my opinion I think walking lunges is a great exercise for speed development. Being strong in a lunge position helps you tremendously with speed and flexibility. This will help you loosen your hips and strengthen your hips/groin area....

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3 BEST BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES TO BUILD SPEED JUMP SQUATS. This exercise helps with your explosiveness. Being able to explode up from a position of no momentum. It works your fast twitch fibers which is directly tailored to speed. Jumping Lunges (alternating). This works a lot of the same things as jump squats, explosion, hip drive and leg strength. This also provides a great stretch for your hips and groin which can translate directly to speed.  Walking Lunges. This exercise helps with your stride length and strengthens your hip/groin. If you really focus on emphasizing the movement you will see...

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STADIUM CONDITIONING WORKOUT SPLIT 1 Stair sprints (Skip a step) 10 sets Walk down for rest SPLIT 2 Single Leg Jumps (switch legs halfway) 5 sets  Walk down for rest  Superset with Broad Jumps (try to skip 2-3 steps) 5 sets  Walk down for rest  FINISHER Run a Full Bleacher (how every many rows of steps: if only 1 row do 6 reps) AND then run a lap around the track 1 set ONLY  If you want a pre workout specifically designed for athletes to help with their performance, mental focus and overall ability in the gym and on the...

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What Athletes Should Focus On In The Gym Focus on your goals and why you are there. That seems like very basic advice but if you want to be successful on the field you need to have a strong foundation in the gym. That starts with your goals. No athlete can just walk into the gym and magically get better because they are there. If you need to get faster work on your explosiveness, if you need to get bigger start lifting heavier and if you need to cut weight, start resting for shorter periods of time. It’s all about...

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3 Nutrition Tips For Athletes If you are trying to gain weight and bulk up, you need to do a healthy bulk. Eating healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice and healthy oats will be great for you to gain weight. Eating processed foods will not help you gain healthy weight. If you are trying to cut weight I highly recommend cutting out processed sugars. No candy, desserts and sweets. This will make you feel unbelievable and have a very high energy production which can aid to the weight loss process. You should eat at least 3 times per day...

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