2 Tips To Be The Strongest On Your Team

2 Tips To Be The Strongest On Your Team

2 Tips To Be The Strongest On Your Team
  1. It’s all about how you train. Are you training high reps just to get a sweat on or are you lifting heavy to get your strength and size up? Lifting heavier will make you stronger and give you an increase in your max lifts. You should be doing 3 sets of 3 reps or 5 sets of 5 etc. You shouldn’t go any higher than 8 reps. 
  2. Taking supplements is a great way to get stronger. When it comes down to NCAA/USADA approved substances there are things you can take and things you can’t obviously, I would highly recommend doing some research before you take anything. Creatine is something we have in our pre workout supplement that will improve your strength and will help you gain weight. Creatine is a great supplement for athletes if taken properly. Do NOT take too much, 5g max which is a full serving, and try to drink a gallon of water per day. There is plenty of research on why creatine is great for athletes to get stronger and bigger and not bad for your system. Again it must be used properly. Our ore workout, as mentioned above, is almost like a 2 in 1. It’s a pre workout supplement so you will have higher levels of energy and dopamine levels will increase. This will lead to improved strength but also the creatine will give your muscles a sense of more endurance and strength as well. Highly suggest taking supplements if you want your strength levels to improve. If you want more info on the pre workout we offer which contains zero NCAA/USADA banned substances click the link below!