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 The first myth of Creatine is the fact that it will cause kidney damage no matter what. This is completely false. Creatine if not taken properly can cause damage to your kidneys much like anything else. If you hydrate properly you will not experience that negative/rare side effect. What Creatine does is provide hydration to your muscles. So, if you don’t drink water you will have a negative effect because the body won’t have anything to hydrate the muscles with. If you drink a gallon of water per day you do not need to worry about any kind of kidney...

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Athletes need protein in their diet because it helps with a few things... 1) it helps you with recovery. After a workout your muscles are broken down. You have these micro tears which cause soreness. Protein helps you restore those micro tears in your body. 2) You need protein to gain strength. If you are trying to get stronger you need protein for the same reasons as above. You want to be fresh in your workouts when you are trying to hit new maxes and achieve new strength goals. Protein restores your muscles so you can be fresh for every...

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From personal experience and being around many athletes the best results I have seen when it comes to weight gain is increasing your protein intake. Trying to consume 1g of protein per pound of body weight is good to maintain your weight that you are at and to lean out but if you can get to 1.5-2g per pound of body weight you will see major gains in the muscle mass you have. And it can be healthy muscle mass. Easy things that contain a lot of protein are eggs, chicken, red meat, beef etc. now if you weigh 150lbs...

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 One way you can increase your max lifts is by doing tempo reps(you can only really do this on bench and squats). Focus on controlling the weight down and controlling the weight up. Let’s use bench press for an example, when you take the weight off the rack, you want to do a 5 second count all the way to your chest, then a 5 second count up. This serves to build your stability on these certain lifts but also helps with explosiveness. When you just need to get one rep in a Max situation using explosiveness built from tempo...

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An easy way to gain weight is to consume more protein. A lot of people struggle to gain weight because they are simply not doing the right things. Weight gain is made in the kitchen. The gym is an added bonus but if you need to gain serious weight it depends on what you consume. Obviously your carb intake is important but to put on muscle, not fat, protein is where you want to live. Let’s say you weigh 150lbs and you want to get up to 180 within 6 months, I think that is an attainable goal. Now as...

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