What Athletes Should Focus On In The Gym
What Athletes Should Focus On In The Gym
Focus on your goals and why you are there. That seems like very basic advice but if you want to be successful on the field you need to have a strong foundation in the gym. That starts with your goals. No athlete can just walk into the gym and magically get better because they are there. If you need to get faster work on your explosiveness, if you need to get bigger start lifting heavier and if you need to cut weight, start resting for shorter periods of time. It’s all about how you structure your workouts to meet your goals. Secondly, be productive. Too many people use the gym as a social hour. I get the question a lot, “how many hours should I workout?” And the answer will always be the same for me, it’s not about the hours it’s what you do for the time you’re in there. I could go to the gym for 45 minutes, get my work done, and do more than a guy who is there for 3 hours just talking. Do the damn work and get your sets done. When you get to the next level it is not social hour. I’ve seen guys lose scholarships to big time Power 5 schools because they come to visit the high school and that player isn’t a high level work ethic guy. He’s just another good player and college scouts have seen a million of those just like how NFL scouts have seen a million of those. Do the work and put in the time.
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