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3 Tips To Gain Weight Number one when it comes to gaining weight is how you are training in the gym. If you are training incorrectly you will not be able to gain weight. You should not be lifting light weight for high reps. You should be lifting weight on the heavier side but you should not be just getting the weight up for reps. Contract and squeeze your muscles with good form. That’s the key to getting the most out of your lifts. Crappy form won’t get you any bigger. Good form with heavy weight you can handle will...

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3 Tips To Get Faster The first thing you should focus on when getting faster is stretching. If you are tense it is going to alter your speed. The biggest jump I saw in my speed wasn’t because of all the speed training and work in the weight room I did for countless years, it came from stretching. It allowed my legs to actually take longer strides and I could run loose rather than tense. The second key to focus on is resistance training. Running hills, sleds, in the sand etc. those are all great for any athlete to improve...

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When you are in the gym or on the field I think a main focus should be productivity. It’s not about the amount of hours you put in, it’s about what you do in those given hours and if you get better or not. I know guys who are at the gym for 4 hours and they only workout for 30. Then I know other people who go to the gym for an hour and work for an hour and get it in. Guess who gets more out of their workouts? The second guy. Some athletes need an extra kick...

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When you are an athlete and you are in the last leg of your workout, sometimes that is the most important leg. You want to push yourself to the breaking point when you workout and train hard. You can always go a little bit further. Muscle Fatigue is something that will hurt every athlete in the gym and on the field, in our new Pre Workout supplement we included the ingredient  Beta Alanine. Beta Alanine is specifically designed to combat muscle fatigue and increase the capacity of your workouts. That means you will be able to perform longer in your...

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A big thing that will kill a lot of athletes is lack of endurance. Endurance is something that you need to have in your workouts and in the game. You don’t gain endurance unless you put the time in on the field and in the gym. In our pre workout we included an ingredient called S-7. What S-7 does is that it increases oxygen flow to exercising muscles during workouts. So, this leads to an athlete having more endurance during their workouts. When you consume S-7, which is an NCAA tested substance, you will be able to perform in your...

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