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2 Tips To Improve Strength
2 Tips To Improve Strength If you’re an athlete and want to be stronger, more explosive, and just better overall I would highly suggest adding Olympic lifts to your regimen. Power cleans, push jerk, clean and jerk, snatch etc. Those are all gonna be great tools to help you become more explosive and just to make you a stronger more developed athlete. These lifts tie into other lifts as well. Watch your squat, push press, and bench improve as soon as you start consistently doing these exercises. To improve strength, athletes can consume an ingredient called ElevATP. Which will help...
2 Tips For More Productive Workouts
2 Tips For More Productive Workouts You need to have a plan when you go in there. I think a lot of guys struggle when they go to the gym because they don’t have a plan. They walk in and make it up as they go. It’s almost like a Coach not having a practice plan for the week. They just show up and work on whatever. That is not a good way to achieve your goals. Have a set plan. Put it in your phone or draw it on a piece of paper. Go in to improve and you...
2 Workout Speed Tips
2 Workout Speed Tips For speed in the gym It’s important that you are working explosive movements. Power cleans, push jerk, plyometrics etc. doing those exercises will help you improve your fast twitch muscle fibers. And your fast twitch muscle fibers are what directly relate to speed. Now you can be doing all the explosive movements you want but if you do not do the movements correctly you won’t see any improvements in your speed. You shouldn’t be doing power cleans for as many reps as you possibly can. You should be doing power cleans for 3-8 reps focusing on...
2 Tips To Get Into Better Shape
2 Tips To Get In Better Shape (endurance) To get in better cardiovascular shape you need to change up your workouts to fit your goals. If you are trying to get in better shape but for sprinting, your workouts should be more explosive based. So like for example, if you are a football player you shouldn’t be doing high rep exercises if your goal is to be explosive and get into game shape. You should be doing quick burst exercises focusing on being as explosive as possible. Like for example power cleans, box jumps, jump squats etc. To get in...
3 Key Tips For Fat Loss
3 Key Tips For Fat Loss To lose fat you have to cut out your carbohydrates intake. I’m not saying don’t eat any carbs at all, but you should cut down the amount you are taking in. Secondly, the carbohydrates you eat should be good carbs. Sweet potatoes, brown rice, grains etc. Don’t eat breads, processed foods or anything that comes in a package. Get natural carbs, that will be your fuel for workouts and they are slow releasing carbs. Lastly, you need to have a high intensity in your workouts, less rest time and higher reps. That’s they key...