Speed/Recovery Stretch Routine
Speed/Recovery Stretch Routine
30 seconds for each stretch
Standing: Touch your toes (forehead close as you can to knees)
Standing: Quad Pull (pull bottom of foot not ankle)
Standing: Knee Pull
Sitting: Butterfly Groin Stretch
Sitting: Legs in V Reach down middle, reach left and reach right
Sitting: Cross Leg Thigh Hug
Laying on stomach: Upward Facing Dog
Laying On stomach: Childs Pose (reach out and grab the ground in front of you for lat stretch)
Standing: Kick Legs Out Wide Points of elbows to the ground. Standing almost in a V.
Standing: Same Pose As Above; go right hand to left ankle then left hand to right
Standing: Big Arm Circles Forward; Big Arm Circles Back
Standing: Small arm circles forward and back
Standing: arm across chest; opposite forearm to wrist and push
Standing: Arm behind head push on elbow with opposite hand
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