Easy Way To Cut Weight

Easy Way To Cut Weight

A great way for athletes to cut a few necessary pounds is by upping the intensity of your workouts. Decreasing rest time and doing higher rep exercises. If you are out of shape and don’t feel like you can do this you need to start slow. Build up into taking only 30 seconds to a minute of rest. But doing heavy weight and lifting for low reps will not accomplish this. Also cardio like running sprints will be great for you, however if you are limited you can still cut weight in the gym. Lock into your workouts and go in focused with a plan. Make sure you have a timer so you can take realistic rest periods. You do not need to workout for 2+ hours if you are trying to cut weight. You an accomplish plenty in 45 minutes if you are there to work. Now if you feel like you will run out of gas in your workouts, beta alanine is a great supplement ingredient to put into your routine pre workout. In our pre workout supplement, Pre Dominance, we have 2g of beta alanine dosed. This will improve your endurance, mental focus and allow you to complete higher intensity workouts that will help with weight loss. If you want more info on pre dominance and how it can benefit your game as a whole, click the link below! ⬇️