Best Things To Do On Rest Days
When you are resting it is important that you don’t do nothing. Try to make it an active rest day. You should stretch, you can take an ice bath, you can do any type of recovery work. Don’t just sit on the couch. These days are essential to your body being able to heal and for you to get the most out of your future workouts. Take these days to heal your body from all of the soreness you have gotten from the week. On your rest days hydration is important as well. You should try to drink a gallon of water each rest day. Now, a common question is “how often should I take a rest day?” And that question is based on the work load you put in during the week. If you’re getting after it for 2-2.5 hours 4 times per week, you are probably warranted 3 off days. It all depends on work load and what your body can handle.
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