3 Tips To Improve Your Speed In The Gym
- In the gym developing your speed is 100% essential. The first thing I can advise you to do, is do the correct reps. And by correct reps I mean in the 5-8 rep range. Focus on being as explosive as possible to develop your fast twitch muscle fibers. Those fast twitch fibers are what help you complete all out effort movements on the field. Your fast twitch A fibers directly translate to speed and explosive movements in the gym work those exact fibers. Doing high rep exercises with lighter weight develop your slow twitch fibers not your fast twitch.
- The second thing I can advise you to do is plyometrics. Jump training like box jumps are essential for speed development. This will help you activate those fast twitch fibers as well.
- And lastly I want to talk about my favorite exercises for speed, jump squats and power cleans. If you are an athlete and need to get more explosive like for example in the start of a 40 yd dash, these exercises are perfect for you. If you don’t have these in your routine I 100% suggest adding them to your routine.
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