3 Tips To Gain Muscle Not Fat
3 Tips To Gain Muscle Not Fat
- Eat your carbs around the time of your workouts so you can maximize the energy from them. You shouldn’t be carb loading throughout the day. Let’s say you workout at 1pm. You should be eating a lot of carbs before that workout because that gives you the most energy to fuel your workouts so you can increase muscle mass.
- You need to get after it in the gym! Focus on growth not strength. Doing 8-10 rep sets but focusing on perfect form and really contracting the muscle helps you with weight gain. You should be in the gym 4-5 times per week.
- Now some people would say “why only 4-5 workouts? I workout everyday” and the only problem with that is you’re not allowing your muscles time to grow! Rest days are important and they are essential to weight gain.
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