3 On Field Speed Drills
3 On Field Speed Drills
- Resistance Get Offs (work a 10yd space and use either a sled, parachute, or resistance band. Focus on being as explosive as possible and being powerful with your strides and with your arms. Full speed through 10 yds)
- Triple Jump. (On 1 leg, jumping off of that same leg and tucking your knee to your chest. This works on explosiveness and your power production)
- Resistance Band High Knees (work a 10yd space and try to get AS MANY REPS POSSIBLE) don’t lean back and don’t go through the motions. Chest forward and have fast hands and fast feet.
If you want to improve your strength, endurance, and be able to gain weight, Our new Pre Dominance pre workout is tailored to help you with exactly that. We have designed specific ingredients backed by science to help athletes specifically improve not just in the gym but on the field as well. If you want to become a better all around athlete click below! ⬇️