3 NATURAL Pre Workout Ingredients For Better Pumps

3 NATURAL Pre Workout Ingredients For Better Pumps

A lot of people who are not as educated on supplements assume that taking a pre workout is very similar to just taking an energy drink or a cup of coffee, when in fact that is not the case. There are many natural ingredients in a pre workout that can help with strength, focus and pumps. The three we are going to talk about today are all for pumps. The first ingredient is S-7. S-7 is a blend of 7 ingredients that are all plant based which can help with nitric oxide production. Which promotes blood flow in your body. Nitric oxide is what promotes better pumps in your body and S-7 has been studied to increase this by 230%. The second ingredient is Beet Root Extract. What beet root extract does is that it helps your body fight off triglycerides in your blood. Now what does that specifically do? That allows for more blood flow because the pathways of your blood vessels are not blocked by fat. Then lastly another natural ingredient for pumps is Grape Skin extract. They often give grape skin extract to people separately who struggle with circulation. If you have a problem with veins showing up on your body or do not get complete circulation to your legs, grape skin extract can be given to you. Now why that matters for working out is that it helps you get more blood flow because thats what circulation is, it is blood flow. All these natural ingredients don’t have any side effects, they only promote healthy and natural blood flow in your body. Our Pre Dominance Pre Workout contains all 3 natural ingredients along with much more for strength, focus and obviously ingredients to get you jacked up before workouts. If you want more info on our pre workout checkout the link below! If you would like to purchase use the promo code “FIRST15” for 15% off your first order!