3 Best Lifts For Football Players
3 Best Lifts For Football Players
- I think easily the best lift for football players is squats. Squats generate power in your legs which athletes at all positions need and it can put on mass in your legs and at any position that can’t hurt. Being able to generate force from your lower half is essential to be able to play football
- I personally believe the 2nd best lift is power cleans. Doing power cleans is all explosion. Being able to explode from your hips helps with blocking, speed, throwing and cutting. You will make more explosive cuts, hit harder and be able to generate more explosion from your hips when you run. Power cleans are a fast twitch exercise so they will develop your fast twitch muscle fibers which then leads to speed.
- And lastly, for most positions, the best upper body exercises is push jerk. If you don’t know what that is I would look it up, but it forces your upper half to explode which will help with power production, fast twitch fibers and strength with your upper body. Those 3 things are again essentials to be a great/athletic football player.
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