The main thing to lose weight or to lose fat is that you need to eat correctly. Eating low carb and high protein is very important but obviously that’s not the only thing you need to do, but it is essential. I’m not a believer in eating no carbs but if you desperately need to drop weight that’s a good route to take but you have to always stay on that diet. Which is hard to maintain. Now the carbs you should be eating, especially athletes, are potatoes, brown rice, and any kind of healthy grains. Proteins and greens are the other two food groups that are a must. It takes discipline.
The last tip on burning fat comes down to your workouts in the gym. You need to have a high intensity to them. Little rest time, and high rep exercises. This is a fat burning recipe. But how do you have the energy for that? 1) you have to be committed and a thing that a lot of people see results on is a pre workout supplement. Our pre workout supplement provides you with the energy you need to bring the intensity to your workouts and be able to complete hard tasks like little to no rest time and high rep exercises. Check out the link below to see how our ingredients can benefit your workouts and make you a better athlete overall ⬇️⬇️